Equipment for PrJSC “Ukrgrafit”

NKMZ specialists from metallurgical and sinking-tunneling equipment production division continue cooperation with Ukrainian manufacturers.

Thus, in December 2021, contracts were signed with PrJSC Ukrgrafit (Zaporozhye) for the supply of the main technological equipment for the newly built graphitization shop No. 4. Such equipment includes carbon blank column compression equipment and pneumatic installation equipment.

And if the designing and manufacturing of compression columns equipment for NKMZ is not the first experience – earlier, in 2017, NKMZ manufactured and put into operation a similar complex, which is now successfully operating and received favorable reviews, the pneumatic installation equipment is a new product item for the company.

The equipment of the pneumatic installation is included in the complex of the main technological equipment and is designed to service the graphitization furnaces of electrode blanks, allowing this process to be carried out efficiently and maximally quickly.

The total weight of the supplied equipment is about 600 tons.